More than 11,000 women are diagnosed with uterine cancer, endometrial carcinoma, in Germany every year. Worldwide, more than 400,000 women contract this gynaecological cancer and the incidence is increasing.
Nevertheless, uterine cancer is still considered a barely discussed and invisible disease. In addition, women with uterine cancer are often confronted with prejudice, as a large proportion of patients are affected by concomitant diseases such as obesity, diabetes or high blood pressure.
Fortunately, based on intensive research, the understanding of tumour biology in uterine cancer has changed rapidly and made it possible to establish new immunological cancer therapies.
The photo series different! wants to dispel prejudices about uterine cancer and pleads for a personalised, holistic treatment of women with endometrial cancer.
For the photo series, women with uterine cancer were photographed in
were portrayed in front of various trees in the midst of nature. The portraits invite
The portraits invite a slowed-down and close observation and give courage to deal with the topic of endometrial cancer in more detail. The photo campaign
calls for:
Attention to the specific tumour biology,
because every tumour biology is different!
An individual approach to women with uterine cancer,
because every patient is different!
The support of this change of perspective,
Look differently!
The photo series different! is an initiative of the Forum Gynaecological Oncology in cooperation with the North-East German Society for Gynaecological Oncology (NOGGO), the European Artists’ Guild for Medicine and Culture with support from GSK.
Scientific direction and concept idea:
Prof. Dr. med. Jalid Sehouli
Realisation and public relations:
Susanne Fechner and Lisa Sintermann
Photography: Christian Festag

Exhibition opening of the english edition at the ESGO Congress and the PAS Seminar of the ENGAGe Community, 29.10.2022 at the event-cooking studio Berlin